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斗山工程機(ji)械歐洲(zhou)公司對其在法國(guo)的經銷(xiao)商(shang)(shang)網絡進(jin)行了(le)調整,分(fen)別任命SOMATEC MTPI和SOFEMAT為法國(guo)東部和西部的新(xin)斗山經銷(xiao)商(shang)(shang)。斗山在法國(guo)的經銷(xiao)商(shang)(shang)網絡現在包括21個獨(du)立(li)經銷(xiao)商(shang)(shang),覆蓋了(le)法國(guo)全國(guo)和海(hai)外地區。


斗山將通過SOMATEC集團的(de)(de)成員SOMATEC MTPI加強(qiang)其在法國東部的(de)(de)地位(wei),SOMATEC集團是農業、建(jian)筑和工業市場(chang)設(she)備銷售、租賃和維修的(de)(de)專家。 SOMATEC擁有超過135名員工的(de)(de)團隊,有八個分(fen)支機(ji)構。 


本(ben)文源自Earthmovers Magazine,原文如(ru)下:

Doosan strengthens French dealer network

by Kyle Molyneux 

Doosan Infracore Europe has made changes in the company’s dealer network in France with the appointment of SOMATEC MTPI and SOFEMAT as new Doosan dealers in the East and West of France, respectively. With the changes, the Doosan dealer network in France now includes 21 independent dealers covering all of the country and its overseas territories.

Market share gains were made across all segments in France in 2020, so the strengthening of the French dealer network in 2021 is intended to maintain this momentum and meet the many expectations of Doosan’s current and future customers in the construction and public works sectors. The two new dealerships in France will offer their customers the entire Doosan range, both the compact and heavy line ranges, including wheel loaders, articulated dump trucks and mini, crawler and wheeled excavators, as well as all attachments, accessories and spare parts available from Doosan.

Doosan will strengthen its position in the east through SOMATEC MTPI, a member of the SOMATEC group, a specialist in the sale, rental and repair of equipment for the agricultural, construction and industrial markets. With a team of more than 135 employees, including 35 mobile engineers, SOMATEC has eight branches. SOMATEC MTPI is now the exclusive Doosan distributor for the following departments: Meuse (55), Meurthe & Moselle (54), Moselle (57), Haut-Rhin (68) and Bas-Rhin (67), Haute-Saone (70) and the Vosges (88).

SOFEMAT is a subsidiary of the TPM Group, a company specializing in the distribution, service, repair and rental of construction, handling and recycling equipment. This dealer is recognized in the West of France for its expertise among professionals in heavy equipment and the know-how of its teams, operating from nine branches. SOFEMAT is now Doosan's exclusive distributor in the departments of the Great West, namely: C?te d'Armor (22), Finistère (29), Ile et Vilaine (35), Mayenne (53), Morbihan (56) and Sarthe (72).


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